Sonntag, 10. Februar 2008


4 Kommentare:

Ndra hat gesagt…

Ahoj Martin,
Hana told me about La Cena de le Ceneri, today we found the only translation into Czech from 1956, it looks interesting, i think we will be able to send you a copy of the 4th chapter or the book itself - if you like - soon.
Greetings to Point Jaune, Ondrej

(ma) hat gesagt…

Ahoj Ondrej

That's fine! Do you think Hana and you could work something out on the basis of LA CENA DE LE CENERI? I'd suggest to make this text the common topic of May 31st. Maybe this is regarded as literature and supported around here...

Saluti cordiali a vostro eccezionale refugio delle muse.


Ndra hat gesagt…

Ahoj Martin
I guess Hana started to read and think about it, she found it weird (which is good...), i found it funny, so... It will take some time, this is not a "soft fiction" (not yet...)

Saluti etc.

(ma) hat gesagt…

Ahoj Ondrej

Some sentences like e.g. "Therefore, you are all the more worthy of our respect in this land where merchants, with no conscience and faith, easily become like Croesus, and where the virtuous with no penny become without difficulty like a Diogenes" (in: theme of the fifth diologue) are not so weird and of sustained actuality, I'm afraid.

Sigi (author of "Turbach", not "Urbach") says that the underlay of the CENA is frustration. So what if the Nolan, who never visited St.Gallen, had travelled to the parallel universe of St.Gyllen (s. Could he have found success there? I guess: yes.

However, it is remarkable that Bruno didn't make use of his many-worlds-theory to escape from the reality of his fruitless trial to enter the academic circles. "Дело красивое, милое, здоровое, но и тут страсти и война, - подумал
Коврин. - Должно быть, везде и на всех поприщах идейные люди нервны и
отличаются повышенной чувствительностью. Вероятно, это так нужно" (G: "Ist ja eine schöne, nette und gesunde Betätigung, doch auch hier – Leidenschaft und Kampf, dachte Kowrin. Wahrscheinlichlich sind überall und auf allen Gebieten Menschen, die sich einer Idee verschrieben haben, nervös und zeichnen sich durch eine erhöhte Empfindlichkeit aus. So muss das wohl sein." E: "It is beautiful, charming, healthy work, but
even in this there is strife and passion," thought
Kovrin. " I suppose that everywhere and in all
careers men of ideas are nervous, and marked by
exaggerated sensitiveness. Most likely it must
be so.") writes Čechov in Черный монах (Der schwarze Mönch). Who knows...

Saluti etc.
